Check hdd smart status windows 10
Check hdd smart status windows 10

But it is not recommended since the hard drive is doomed to failure, and disabling the error will increase the likelihood of data loss. It is OK if you want to continue the use of the hard drive. Disable S.M.A.R.T error from the BIOS.3 ways for different situations can be considered.


However, the next question might be how to fix the SMART error. Usually, after the SMART status bad warning, you will not get a failed hard drive immediately and still have time to back up the computer and transfer data to a replaced one. At times the users disable it from inside the BIOS, but it is not at all recommended. SMART technology is a mechanism that should be taken seriously, and therefore, it should never be turned off. The users should ensure that the necessary precautionary measures are taken to save the data that has been written onto the hard drive. If the SMART error occurs, the main reason is that the magnets inside the hard drive are now of no use. The reliability of the hard disk drives, as well as solid-state drives, depends upon this mechanism. The SMART status bad is a hard drive error, which means that the hard drive is about to crash. If you receive the error message of " Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Resume" when switching on your computer, it indicates that something wrong with the hard drive happens. It can be used to monitor the hard drive health, detect and report imminent hard drive failure, and minimize the risk of unexpected system shutdown and data loss. It is a mechanism that has been integrated into the computer hard drives, including HDDs and SSDs. Self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology is abbreviated as S.M.A.R.T or SMART. How to Recover Data if SMART Error is Received

Check hdd smart status windows 10